Week 8: Data Export

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Projection & Coordinate System

A projection is a mathematical model that takes coordinate data which are on a curved surface (the earth) and converts the data to Cartesian coordinates on a flat surface. Projections are necessary in placing geographic data on flat map sheets or 2-dimensional computer models.

A coordinate system references every place on the map plane with an easting (x-coordinate) and a northing (y-coordinate).

Data are complicated mathematical models which describe the shape of the earth (because the earth is not a perfect sphere).

The spatial data for your portfolio all need to be in a common map projection and coordinate system, on a common datum. For the sake of UVIEW, we choose to use the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and coordinate system.

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is used to define horizontal, positions world-wide by dividing the surface of the Earth into 6 degree zones, each mapped by the Transverse Mercator projection with a central meridian in the center of the zone. UTM zone numbers designate 6 degree longitudinal strips extending from 80 degrees South latitude to 84 degrees North latitude. UTM zone characters designate 8 degree zones extending north and south from the equator.

Eastings are measured from the central meridian (with a 500km false easting to insure positive coordinates). Northings are measured from the equator (with a 10,000km false northing for positions south of the equator).

If your data are in a projection and coordinate system other than UTM, you will have to project the data before exporting. Please review the on-line documentation regarding the Arc PROJECT command.

Your data will most likely come in one of only a few projections and coordinate systems. The most common are geographic (technically unprojected), State Plane (also a combination of projection and coordinate), and UTM.

To list your data's projection and coordinate description, use the DESCRIBE command:

Usage: DESCRIBE <geo_dataset>

Arc: describe bnd4
                 Description of DOUBLE precision coverage bnd4
                                FEATURE CLASSES
                                    Number of  Attribute     Spatial
Feature Class          Subclass     Features   data (bytes)  Index?   Topology?
-------------          --------     ---------  ------------  -------  ---------
ARCS                                       49        92
POLYGONS                                    4        86               Yes
NODES                                      48        12
                               SECONDARY FEATURES
Tics                                       36
Arc Segments                              678
Polygon Labels                              3
Fuzzy   =                 1.157 V          Dangle  =                 0.000 N
                               COVERAGE BOUNDARY
Xmin =              1181905.875            Xmax =              1203109.000
Ymin =               544661.250            Ymax =               562044.438
The coverage has not been Edited since the last BUILD or CLEAN.
                          COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
Projection           STATEPLANE
Zone                       5626
Datum                      HPGN
Units                      FEET             Spheroid                GRS1980

This description shows that the coverage bnd4 is in State Plane projection & coordinate system, zone 10, horizontal datum HPGN (High-Precision GPS Network), spheroid GRS1980, and units feet.

If your data do not list coordinate system parameters, you will need to contact the source for your data and find out what the details are before you continue.

Arc: describe streams
                Description of DOUBLE precision coverage streams
                                FEATURE CLASSES
                                    Number of  Attribute     Spatial
Feature Class          Subclass     Features   data (bytes)  Index?   Topology?
-------------          --------     ---------  ------------  -------  ---------
ARCS                                      698       194      Yes
NODES                                     630        12
ANNOTATIONS             (blank)             0
                          LARGE            60
                          SMALL            60
                           HUGE            61
                               SECONDARY FEATURES
Tics                                       12
Arc Segments                            12322
Fuzzy   =                 1.157 N          Dangle  =                 0.000 N
                               COVERAGE BOUNDARY
Xmin =              1178242.375            Xmax =              1206271.375
Ymin =               541386.563            Ymax =               564516.563
The coverage has not been Edited since the last BUILD or CLEAN.
                          NO COORDINATE SYSTEM DEFINED

If you know the coordinate system parameters, but the data set's description does not include the parameters, you can add them using PROJECTDEFINE.


Arc: projectdefine cover streams
Define Projection
Project: projection state
Project: zone 5626
Project: units feet
Project: datum hpgn
Project: parameters

Once the data set has its coordinate system defined, you can project it to another system using PROJECT.

Arc: project cover streams stream_utm
*      The INPUT projection has been defined.    *
Use OUTPUT to define the output projection and END
to finish.
Project: output
Project: projection utm
Project: zone 10
Project: units meters
Project: datum nad27
Project: parameters
Project: end
Warning: By selecting STATEPLANE as a projection,
the datum will default to NAD27 if not specified.

Here is the coordinate description of the new coverage:

Arc: describe stream_utm
              Description of DOUBLE precision coverage stream_utm
                                FEATURE CLASSES
                                    Number of  Attribute     Spatial
Feature Class          Subclass     Features   data (bytes)  Index?   Topology?
-------------          --------     ---------  ------------  -------  ---------
ARCS                                      698       194
NODES                                     630        12
ANNOTATIONS             (blank)             0
                          LARGE            60
                          SMALL            60
                           HUGE            61
                               SECONDARY FEATURES
Tics                                       12
Arc Segments                            12322
Fuzzy   =                 0.853 N          Dangle  =                 0.000 N
                               COVERAGE BOUNDARY
Xmin =               549889.175            Xmax =               558423.510
Ymin =              5182873.992            Ymax =              5190390.995
The coverage has not been Edited since the last BUILD or CLEAN.
                          COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
Projection                  UTM
Zone                         10
Datum                     NAD27
Units                    METERS             Spheroid             CLARKE1866

You can project coverages coverages and grids in this way. You can also project ASCII files as long as they are in the format:

x1, y1
x2, y2
xn, yn

ARC to MOSS Conversion

MOSS files are used to create the spatial Paradox databases in UVIEW. The MOSS files need to represent either point, line, or polygon data. Use the ARCMOSS command to create MOSS files from coverages.

Usage: ARCMOSS <in_cover> <out_moss_file> <UTM | LATLONG> {attribute_item}
               {lookup_table} {POLY | LINE | POINT}

You will need to choose either UTM or LATLONG output type. This controls the output data format.

The UTM option creates an export file using the absolute values of the coordinates written with a 2F11.2 format, while LATLONG causes coordinates to be written using a 2F10.5 format with negative longitude values.

You should also use the {attribute_item} option to place attribute values in the MOSS file. These values, such as stand name or stream type, will allow UVIEW to display your data in different colors, based on the attribute value. The {lookup_table} uses standard ARC/INFO lookup tables for related attribute values. You will also need to specify coverage data type if you are exporting anything other than a polygon coverage.

For example, ARCMOSS the forest stands coverage with the age in 1998:

Arc: arcmoss tty4 timbr_98.mos utm age_1998

or the streams coverage with the DNR type:

Arc: arcmoss str13_utm stream.mos utm str2dnrty # line

Grid to DEM Conversion

In order to display landscape views in UVIEW, you will need to generate a USGS-format digital elevation model (DEM). If you have used Grid commands and functions to create an elevation grid whose extent is your study area, you can export this. Otherwise, you can simply use a USGS DEM which you have downloaded from the UW GIS Data Archive or from the USGS.

The command to create a USGS-format DEM is simple:

Usage: LATTICEDEM <in_lattice> <out_dem> {z_factor} {FLOAT | INT}

You can apply an optional z-factor if you want to apply a constant multiplier to the output values. Also, you can specify integer output, if your data represent a surface with integer values. An integer DEM will be smaller than a floating-point DEM.

Exporting Tabular Data

In general, you only need to export tabular data from ARC/INFO to the extent that the data are necessary in LMS. This probably only includes inventory data that may be stored as part of the forest stands coverage.

Several commands exist to dump out tables from the proprietary INFO format to a more widely used format, such as dBase delimited ASCII text. Here is a brief overview of the commands, the modules in which they are used, and the advantages and disadvantages of each command.



 output data type


 OUTPUT, PRINT  INFO  ASCII  very precise  difficult to use
 UNLOAD  Tables  ASCII  easy to use  does not include item name headers
 INFODBASE  Arc  dBase IV  easy to use; maintains item definitions  truncates item names to 10 characters; changes item names
csv.aml  Arc  ASCII  easy to use  contains OS dependencies

The INFO commands OUTPUT and PRINT place output in an ASCII file. However, these commands should be placed in an AML, because of the complexity of the commands.

UNLOAD, available in Tables, is very easy to use, but it does not output item names as a header. You will end up with a delimited or columnar ASCII file, but you will not know what the columns of data represent.

INFODBASE is very handy, especially because dBase files can be imported directly to other applications, such as Excel and Access. However, although it maintains item definitions, INFODBASE does not maintain the same item naming convention as does INFO. Item names are truncated to 10 characters. Any item names that are duplicates the same within the first 10 characters will result in only the first item being exported. Also, any item names with "-" or "." characters will have these characters substituted with "_".

I have written an AML for converting any INFO table to a comma-delimited ASCII file (csv.aml). It has been formatted to run under UNIX (SunOS) or NT. It simply creates a comma-delimited ASCII file, just like the UNLOAD command, but it includes item name headers. The AML is easy to use, but it does not allow you to specify which items to dump; it exports the entire table.


Create a set of output files for import into LMS. These should all be in UTM projection (units meters, zone 10, datum NAD83):

MOSS files:

Pack Forest Boundary (bnd4)
Forest Stands with stand name as attribute item
Roads (no trails) with road surface type as attribute item
Streams with DNR type as attribute item

USGS-format DEM for Pack Forest

Comma-separated ASCII file of the forest stand cover (tty4) PAT

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